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Фотоконкурс . «Покажи как нужно отдыхать!» . Татьяна Эккерман . Мой первый улов

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голосов: 109, комментариев: 2

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Jenibelle 08.05.2016 16:43

Your great room is so pretty, Kim. I really like the wreaths in the windows.I can't imagine that there would be anyone who han#3s&9;t been terribly touched and saddened by what happened to those sweet babies and the adults who tried to protect them. I also cannot believe that someone would expend the energy to just be mean and hateful. I guess it takes all kinds.

Carley 07.05.2016 16:16

Free knowledge like this doesn't just help, it promote deacyrmoc. Thank you.